52词语>英语词典>carry away翻译和用法

carry away

英 [ˈkæri əˈweɪ]

美 [ˈkæri əˈweɪ]

拿走,带走,搬走; 使激动,使着迷; 抢走;卷走;冲走



  • remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
    1. Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands
    2. The car carried us off to the meeting
    3. I'll take you away on a holiday
    4. I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry
    Synonym:take awaybear offbear awaycarry off


  • A jacket of water surrounds the tank, to carry away the heat generated by fermentation.
  • He saw them, but could he carry away pages of information in his head? '
  • Prof Hughes said natural dams formed by landslides were potentially much more dangerous and unpredictable than man-made dams, because they were random lumps of hillside rather than carefully engineered structures with spillways to carry away excess water.
  • When I hold my class with the donkeys that our washerman brings to carry away the clothes and I warn her that I am the schoolmaster, she will scream for no reason and call me d? d?. [ elder brother]
  • Bamei; The Time That Water Can Not Carry Away
  • The ground was encrusted with salt. "The flood does not carry away the slat as before," Amin explained.
  • You're letting prejudice carry you away.
  • These springs are the sources of streams and rivers, which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands.
  • Let's carry away the refuse.
  • She was just turning around to carry away the sparkling water when she saw the stranger and asked who he was.